Лексические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 28 стр.


U-boats were illicitly built and their officers and
men trained in other countries (8)
Important progress was also made in another deci-
sive direction (1). Herr Rathenau had, during his
tenure of the Ministry of Reconstruction in 1919,
set on foot in the broadest lines the reconstruction
of German war industry. "They have destroyed
your weapons", he had told the generals, in effect.
"But these weapons would in any case have be-
come obsolete (2) before the next war. That war
will be fought with brand-new ones (3)"
The oil and gas industry is in the middle of a
revolution(l) (2), one taking place on five or six
(2) different fronts. After 70 years with an almost
unchanged corporate structure among the major
companies (3), the industry has, in the last two
years, seen(4) four major transactions in the
United States and Europe, and a host of smaller
link-ups (5)
Companies have grown (1) in scope and scale (2).
But oil prices are still largely determined by the
decisions of OPEC (3), when all the merges are
completed (4), the four largest companies to-
gether will account for no more than 12 percent
of world oil supply and 13 percent of gas supply
These merges and acquisitions don't constitute an
endgame; the industry is not shrinking (1). De-
mand for oil is 12 percent higher than it was a
decade ago. Gas demand is 30 percent higher (1).
And with nuclear developments again in ques-
tion (2), it seems certain that hydrocarbons will
meet the bulk of the world's new energy demand
for the foreseeable future (3). The geography of
the industry is changing, too (3). Incremental
demand (4) for energy conies predominantly
from Asia, driven by population growth (5) and
rising (6) living standards
1) дирема; 2) состояние
действие; 3) дирема
1) монорема; 2) генерализация;
3) внешнее членение; 4) дир
5) логическая последовател
ность действий
1) дирема; 2) конкретизация; 3)
номинализация сказуемого ; 4)
объединение высказываний ; 5)
1) объединение высказываний ; 2)
членение; 3) моноремы; 4) номи-
нализация оп
ределения перед
подлежащим ; 5) детал
изация; 6)
номинализация определения

U-boats were illicitly built and their officers and
men trained in other countries (8)
Important progress was also made in another deci-       1) дирема; 2) состояние-
sive direction (1). Herr Rathenau had, during his       действие; 3) дирема
tenure of the Ministry of Reconstruction in 1919,
set on foot in the broadest lines the reconstruction
of German war industry. "They have destroyed
your weapons", he had told the generals, in effect.
"But these weapons would in any case have be-
come obsolete (2) before the next war. That war
will be fought with brand-new ones (3)"

                       NONE OF US LIVES IN A VACUUM

The oil and gas industry is in the middle of a         1) монорема; 2) генерализация;
revolution(l) (2), one taking place on five or six     3) внешнее членение; 4) дирема;
(2) different fronts. After 70 years with an almost    5) логическая последователь-
unchanged corporate structure among the major          ность действий
companies (3), the industry has, in the last two
years, seen(4) four major transactions in the
United States and Europe, and a host of smaller
link-ups (5)

Companies have grown (1) in scope and scale (2).       1) дирема; 2) конкретизация; 3)
But oil prices are still largely determined by the     номинализация сказуемого; 4)
decisions of OPEC (3), when all the merges are         объединение высказываний; 5)
completed (4), the four largest companies to-          дирема
gether will account for no more than 12 percent
of world oil supply and 13 percent of gas supply

These merges and acquisitions don't constitute an      1) объединение высказываний; 2)
endgame; the industry is not shrinking (1). De-        членение; 3) моноремы; 4) номи-
mand for oil is 12 percent higher than it was a        нализация определения перед
decade ago. Gas demand is 30 percent higher (1).       подлежащим; 5) детализация; 6)
And with nuclear developments again in ques-           номинализация определения
tion (2), it seems certain that hydrocarbons will
meet the bulk of the world's new energy demand
for the foreseeable future (3). The geography of
the industry is changing, too (3). Incremental
demand (4) for energy conies predominantly
from Asia, driven by population growth (5) and
rising (6) living standards