Лексические трудности перевода общественно-политического текста с английского языка на русский. Домбровская И.В - 9 стр.


8. public
n. 1) народ; 2) публика; З) общественность, adj. 1)
общественный; 2) общенародный; 3) публичный, общедоступный; 4) откры-
тый, гласный; 5) государственный, официальный и др. public figure общест-
венный/государственный деятель; public image репутация, мнение общест-
венности (о каком -л. деятеле); public library публичная (общедоступная) биб-
лиотека; public facilities службы общественного пользования; public officer
государственный служащий, чиновник, должностное лицо ; public servant
должностное лицо ; лицо , находящееся на государственной службе ; public ca-
reer политическая карьера; public relations 1) связь (лица , организации) с об-
щественностью, прессой; 2) служба / отдел информации; отдел связи с печа-
тью, пресс-бюро; public services социальные службы (здравоохранение, обра-
зование) и т. д.
Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения .
1. As American presidents have understood since Harry Truman declined to use nu-
clear bombs in Korea, legitimising the use of these weapons in battle would weaken
the taboo that restrains other nuclear powers from using theirs, doing far more to im-
peril America's global security than to advance it.
2. At present, the Lords has extensive powers which go much further than its self-
proclaimed role as a revising chamber.
3. As the last government witness nears the end of his testimony, it is increasingly
clear that the governments antitrust case against Microsoft Corporation is an indict-
ment not only of the business practices of the worlds dominent software maker but
also of its corporate character.
4. On March 19
Mr Clinton invited a few key senators over to the White House to
press his case for intervention [in Yugoslavia].
5. Many senators were already on the record opposing intervention, on the ground
that America should on principle avoid getting embroiled in civil wars.
6. Important official records in the UN are issued in the five official languages: Chi-
nese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
7. The pattern has been that African territories have beed compelled by colonial rule
and by their economic power to serve as raw materials appendages for western indus-
try and western food consumption.
8. New patterns of economic development have brought material affluance to, nota-
bly, the oil-rich states of the Middle East and , to some extent, Latin America.
9. The Tory leaders have evidently forgotten that their chief duty lies not towards
their party or their personal ambitions, but to the offices they hold and the public they
claim to serve.
10. Education is seen by the council as having a key role to play in increasing the eco-
nomic effectiveness of the West Midlands and it urges the fullest use of the regions
11. In the fields of industry special emphasis has been placed on the heavy indus-
tries but consumer goods facilities have also received attention.
12. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by
the British Government was cautiously favourable.
       8. public n. 1) народ; 2) публика; З) общественность, adj. 1)
общественный; 2) общенародный; 3) публичный, общедоступный; 4) откры-
тый, гласный; 5) государственный, официальный и др. public figure общест-
венный/государственный деятель; public image репутация, мнение общест-
венности (о каком-л. деятеле); public library публичная (общедоступная) биб-
лиотека; public facilities службы общественного пользования; public officer
государственный служащий, чиновник, должностное лицо; public servant
должностное лицо; лицо, находящееся на государственной службе; public ca-
reer политическая карьера; public relations 1) связь (лица, организации) с об-
щественностью, прессой; 2) служба/отдел информации; отдел связи с печа-
тью, пресс-бюро; public services социальные службы (здравоохранение, обра-
зование) и т. д.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. As American presidents have understood since Harry Truman declined to use nu-
clear bombs in Korea, legitimising the use of these weapons in battle would weaken
the taboo that restrains other nuclear powers from using theirs, doing far more to im-
peril America's global security than to advance it.
2. At present, the Lords has extensive powers which go much further than its self-
proclaimed role as a revising chamber.
3. As the last government witness nears the end of his testimony, it is increasingly
clear that the government’s antitrust case against Microsoft Corporation is an indict-
ment not only of the business practices of the world’s dominent software maker but
also of its corporate character.
4. On March 19th Mr Clinton invited a few key senators over to the White House to
press his case for intervention [in Yugoslavia].
5. Many senators were already on the record opposing intervention, on the ground
that America should on principle avoid getting embroiled in civil wars.
6. Important official records in the UN are issued in the five official languages: Chi-
nese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
7. The pattern has been that African territories have beed compelled by colonial rule
and by their economic power to serve as raw materials appendages for western indus-
try and western food consumption.
8. New patterns of economic development have brought material affluance to, nota-
bly, the oil-rich states of the Middle East and…, to some extent, Latin America.
9. The Tory leaders have evidently forgotten that their chief duty lies not towards
their party or their personal ambitions, but to the offices they hold and the public they
claim to serve.
10. Education is seen by the council as having a key role to play in increasing the eco-
nomic effectiveness of the West Midlands and it urges the fullest use of the region ’s
11. In the fields of industry special emphasis has been placed on the heavy indus-
tries… but consumer goods facilities… have also received attention.
12. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by
the British Government was cautiously favourable.