15. It was the kind of thing Mr. Sandberg or Mr. Masters might have done
after an evening's walk on a hot night, say, in West Congress Street in Chicago.
16. He lay still and death was not there. It must have gone around another
street. (E.H.)
17. He must have got mixed up in something in Chicago. (Sh.A.)
18. "Is the fire hot, sir?" But the man could not hear with the noise of the
furnace. It was just as well. He might have answered rudely. (J.J.)
19. "Do you think father would mind if we gave his top-hat to the
porter?" "The porter?" snapped Josephine. "Why ever the porter? What a very
extraordinary idea!" "Because," said Constantia slowly. "He must often have to
go to funerals. And I noticed at – at the cemetery that he only had a bowler."
She paused. "I thought then how very much he'd appreciate a top-hat. We ought
to give him a present, too. He was always very nice to father." (K.M.)
20. And suddenly, for one awful moment, she nearly giggled. Not, of
course, that she felt in the least like giggling. It must have been habit. (K.M.)
21. "Do you mind following me into the drawing-room, Constantia? I've
something of great importance to discuss with you." For it was always to the
drawing-room they retired when they wanted to talk over Kate. Josephine
closed the door meaningly. "Sit down, Constantia," she said, still very grand.
She might have been receiving Constantia for the first time. (K.M.)
22. What was Constantia thinking? She had such a strange smile; she
looked different. She couldn't be going to cry. (K.M.)
23. Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. No, you couldn't have called
her beautiful. (K.M.)
24. In these days no man of genius need starve. The following story of
my friend Bruce may be taken as proof of this assertion. Nearly sixty when I
first knew him, he might have written already some fifteen books, which had
earned him the reputation of "a genius" with the few who knew. (J.G.)
25. He was a bachelor, who seemed to avoid women, perhaps they had
"learned" him that, for he must have been very attractive to them. (J.G.)
26. She misunderstood the words and looked up. There was a gleam of
hope in her heavy eyes. "You'll let me go?" No. you shall sail for San Francisco
on Tuesday." (W.S.M.)
27. The doctor was feeling wan and nervous. "You were with her very late
last night," he said. "Yes, she couldn't bear to have me leave her." (W.S.M.)
28. The inevitable must be accepted. (W.S.M.)
29. I should choose Mr. Neil Gibson as my model. His tall, gaunt, craggy
figure had a suggestion of hunger and rapacity. An Abraham Lincoln keyed to
base uses instead of high ones would give some idea of the man. His face might
have been chiseled in granite, hard-set, craggy, remorseless, with deep lines
upon it, the scars of many a crisis. (A.C.D.)
30. But you know the wonderful way of women! Do what I might,
nothing could turn her from me. (A.C.D.)
31. "… Then someone came into your room and placed the pistol there in
order to inculpate you." "It must have been so." "And when?" "It could only
have been at meal-time, or else at the hours when I would be in the schoolroom
with the children." (A.C.D.)
32. From father to son our heritage has come down, and from father to
son it shall continue. (G.K.Ch.)
33. Sophie was packing. A whole day in bed in a huge, soft bed, like Ma-
dame's. One would doze, one would wake up for a moment, one would doze
again. (A.H.)
34. In his office he unlocked the drawer and took out the special file.
Could he have mistaken Canonbury for Canon Wood? (G.G.)
35. Those envelopes were the torment to Lally; they were the sickening
monstrous manifestations which she could not understand. There were always
some of them lying there, or about the room, bulging with manuscripts that no
editors – they couldn't have perused them – wanted; and so it had come to the
desperate point when, as Lally was saying, something had to be done about
things. (A.E.C.)
36. "You always said you loved Paris. We could have stayed in Paris or
gone anywhere. I'd have gone anywhere. I said I'd go anywhere you wanted. If
you wanted to shoot we could have gone shooting in Hungary and been
comfortable." (E.H.)
37. Standing under the Fragonard which he had given her, grizzled, neatly
moustached, close-faced, chinny, with a gaze concentrated on nothing in par-
ticular, as of one who has looked over much and found little in it, he might
have been one of her ambassadors. (J.G.)
38. That young American chap must have overheard something, too, but
he shouldn't allude to the matter with him; not dignified. (J.G.)
39. Decidedly he should not mention his visit when he dined in South
Square that evening. (J.G.)
40. "You haven't room, have you, for two more little girls, if we pay for
them …?" "Give me the address. I'll go and see them myself; if they haven't got
anything catching, they shall come." (J.G.)
41. You might dislike, but you couldn't sneeze at him, as at some of these
modern chaps. (J.G.)
42. The Hospital was deserted, yet strangely alive. I could hear it purring
and murmuring like a sleeping beast, and even when at times there came as it
were a wave of silence I could still sense within it its great heart beating. (I.M.)
43. "Some situations can't be unraveled," said Hugo, "they just have to be
dropped. The trouble with you, Jake, is that you want to understand everything
15. It was the kind of thing Mr. Sandberg or Mr. Masters might have done 30. But you know the wonderful way of women! Do what I might, after an evening's walk on a hot night, say, in West Congress Street in Chicago. nothing could turn her from me. (A.C.D.) (Sh.A.) 31. "… Then someone came into your room and placed the pistol there in 16. He lay still and death was not there. It must have gone around another order to inculpate you." "It must have been so." "And when?" "It could only street. (E.H.) have been at meal-time, or else at the hours when I would be in the schoolroom 17. He must have got mixed up in something in Chicago. (Sh.A.) with the children." (A.C.D.) 18. "Is the fire hot, sir?" But the man could not hear with the noise of the 32. From father to son our heritage has come down, and from father to furnace. It was just as well. He might have answered rudely. (J.J.) son it shall continue. (G.K.Ch.) 19. "Do you think father would mind if we gave his top-hat to the 33. Sophie was packing. A whole day in bed in a huge, soft bed, like Ma- porter?" "The porter?" snapped Josephine. "Why ever the porter? What a very dame's. One would doze, one would wake up for a moment, one would doze extraordinary idea!" "Because," said Constantia slowly. "He must often have to again. (A.H.) go to funerals. And I noticed at – at the cemetery that he only had a bowler." 34. In his office he unlocked the drawer and took out the special file. She paused. "I thought then how very much he'd appreciate a top-hat. We ought Could he have mistaken Canonbury for Canon Wood? (G.G.) to give him a present, too. He was always very nice to father." (K.M.) 35. Those envelopes were the torment to Lally; they were the sickening 20. And suddenly, for one awful moment, she nearly giggled. Not, of monstrous manifestations which she could not understand. There were always course, that she felt in the least like giggling. It must have been habit. (K.M.) some of them lying there, or about the room, bulging with manuscripts that no 21. "Do you mind following me into the drawing-room, Constantia? I've editors – they couldn't have perused them – wanted; and so it had come to the something of great importance to discuss with you." For it was always to the desperate point when, as Lally was saying, something had to be done about drawing-room they retired when they wanted to talk over Kate. Josephine things. (A.E.C.) closed the door meaningly. "Sit down, Constantia," she said, still very grand. 36. "You always said you loved Paris. We could have stayed in Paris or She might have been receiving Constantia for the first time. (K.M.) gone anywhere. I'd have gone anywhere. I said I'd go anywhere you wanted. If 22. What was Constantia thinking? She had such a strange smile; she you wanted to shoot we could have gone shooting in Hungary and been looked different. She couldn't be going to cry. (K.M.) comfortable." (E.H.) 23. Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. No, you couldn't have called 37. Standing under the Fragonard which he had given her, grizzled, neatly her beautiful. (K.M.) moustached, close-faced, chinny, with a gaze concentrated on nothing in par- 24. In these days no man of genius need starve. The following story of ticular, as of one who has looked over much and found little in it, he might my friend Bruce may be taken as proof of this assertion. Nearly sixty when I have been one of her ambassadors. (J.G.) first knew him, he might have written already some fifteen books, which had 38. That young American chap must have overheard something, too, but earned him the reputation of "a genius" with the few who knew. (J.G.) he shouldn't allude to the matter with him; not dignified. (J.G.) 25. He was a bachelor, who seemed to avoid women, perhaps they had 39. Decidedly he should not mention his visit when he dined in South "learned" him that, for he must have been very attractive to them. (J.G.) Square that evening. (J.G.) 26. She misunderstood the words and looked up. There was a gleam of 40. "You haven't room, have you, for two more little girls, if we pay for hope in her heavy eyes. "You'll let me go?" No. you shall sail for San Francisco them …?" "Give me the address. I'll go and see them myself; if they haven't got on Tuesday." (W.S.M.) anything catching, they shall come." (J.G.) 27. The doctor was feeling wan and nervous. "You were with her very late 41. You might dislike, but you couldn't sneeze at him, as at some of these last night," he said. "Yes, she couldn't bear to have me leave her." (W.S.M.) modern chaps. (J.G.) 28. The inevitable must be accepted. (W.S.M.) 42. The Hospital was deserted, yet strangely alive. I could hear it purring 29. I should choose Mr. Neil Gibson as my model. His tall, gaunt, craggy and murmuring like a sleeping beast, and even when at times there came as it figure had a suggestion of hunger and rapacity. An Abraham Lincoln keyed to were a wave of silence I could still sense within it its great heart beating. (I.M.) base uses instead of high ones would give some idea of the man. His face might 43. "Some situations can't be unraveled," said Hugo, "they just have to be have been chiseled in granite, hard-set, craggy, remorseless, with deep lines dropped. The trouble with you, Jake, is that you want to understand everything upon it, the scars of many a crisis. (A.C.D.) 43 44
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